Commit to You this 2021

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The simple act of practicing a new behavior daily can help you develop habits that last beyond 30 days.

Extreme diets and punishing or time-consuming fitness regimes are not sustainable long term, that's the whole point, so you keep searching (and paying) for the newest and latest trend. There is no quick fix or magic pill. However one step at the time, with support and knowlege, you really can commit to you and make a lasting difference.

Fed up with the same old gym/diet resolutions? 

Gyms are very different places still. We have been using the world around us as our gym and mental health saviour! Most of us have even gotten really good at the Zoom classes. As we look towards the new year, after the year we have all had I hear you all saying...

I want to try something new!

No more empty promises of gym memberships that are never used after February, or plans to cook dinners you cant find the ingredients for and sad salads that dont fill you up. Actually use all the lotions and potions you got in your stocking to better effect Actually discover that your body, mind and skin look and feel better than ever. 

Motivate yourself towards what you DO want from life. When you are focused on the present, rather than looking back or too far forward, we can take steps and make choices. Motivation and ambition create change.

Rejuvenate cells, mindsets, skin and strength. You are perfectly imperfect, learn to work to the strengths you already have and renew your energy and zest for life. 

Activate your passions, personally taking responsibility for your actions and reactions in your life. Activate what you DO want for your life, body and mind. 

Strong and Mobile

Adding exercise and movement into your day does not require expensive kit or equipment. Workouts that focus on mobility, strength and agility can also be great fun.  Short workouts can sometimes be more effective than long ones.  How your body feels is just as important as how it may look. Without the shaming of weighing and setting unrealistic goals.

Nutrition and Mindfulness

Everything about your life, about your body, changes. Your cells develop, repair and regenerate. Your organs, muscles, bones, hair, teeth and nails all renew themselves throughout your life. Your mind and soul also experiences growth and repair. You would not tolerate others talking to you the way you may sometimes talk to yourself. Food and mindfulness are imperative to health.

Holistic Self-Care

There is no shame in wanting to age naturally or indeed wanting to age with a little help from products or procedures. Learn how to look after  your outside as much as your inside. Gentle care and consideration on how and when to use your products can make a big difference. Learn ways to manage your stress and make an impact on your body mind and soul. Self reflexology and massage techniques are skills for life.

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